Our flagship review: Dogtown Studios' Project 72!

If you're looking to pass the time while riding the subway or waiting outside the doctor's clinic then Dogtown Studios' Project 72 is definitely for you! Project 72, as the game states, is the result of a 72 hour journey where 4 boys from venice Beach set out on a mission to build a successful iPhone app from scratch in just 72 hours. And guess what, they just did!

Before you get turned off by Project 72's space galactic theme, it is actually a simple pick-up and play game which is perfect for casual and hardcore gamers alike. The concept is as simple as tilting your device to control your small spaceship as it traverses along outer space, avoiding meteors, black holes, UFOs and other what nots. Pick up special items like nitro boosts, shields and tesla guns as you move along. The goal is pretty straightforward--survive for as long as you can. The only catch about it is that your fuel continuously depletes as you fly along and you will need to pick-up more jet fuel packs in order to prolong your spaceship's flight. Project 72's art style is simple yet creative. The game's interface is well presented, user-friendly and will easily appeal to any player, even those who don't play games that much. The audio is at par with most iPhone games--great ambient music and cool sound effects. The only thing that's going to hold you back from playing this game is that you'll probably look silly when you play it in public because of the tilt controls.

Project 72 utilizes Open Feint's social networking features and enables players to submit their scores online as well as invite friends for a challenge. The game will set you back at $0.99 but we guarantee you, it is definitely worth the purchase! We couldn't have picked a better app to review during TwoThumbsApp's launch! Two Thumbs App!

All artworks in this article have been borrowed from Dogtown Studios' website.